The Ghost of Gadgets Past

It may have taken until Sept 2023 to get the first comic of 2023 up BUT it's up and I've got even more in the pipeline, including short story arcs just like the good ole days when I wouldn't let my creativity get so bogged down in the semantics of things. This means that as of right now, A Rusty Life has now spanned TWENTY YEARS this year. That's one of the many things that make feel old. Like thinking about the way technology has changed even in my life time. When the first ARL comics were posted, they were posted on a Microsoft Front Page site, with manually created pages for each update (ooooouch that hurts even thinking about), over dial-up internet. Good times. That was the wild west of the internet. I'm happy I lived it. I'm even happier I'm not living that generation of tech now. Time passes. We all get old. That's why it made sense to me that even the ARL characters should have aged and evolved by now. I hope you enjoy the ride with me as we see where this all goes, together.

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